Orientation activities for students in the Community Development Innovation Program

September 23, 2023 (Admin) Activities

Community Development Innovation Major Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Yala Rajabhat University has organized an orientation activity for students in the Community Development Innovation Program on July 5, 2023 at 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. on the topic of developers and the role of local community development, with speaker Dr. Dares Chuyok, position group director. Coordination and support work
Community development administration Yala Provincial Community Development Office Under the Department of Community Development Ministry of Interior In addition to giving lectures, there will be activities to meet and get to know senior faculty and present course badges as a welcome. New member of the family Warm community development innovation
at the Bragae Room, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Yala Rajabhat University #Welcome to the family of community development innovations.