English Program (B.A)
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Yala Rajabhat University

English Education and English Liberal Arts Programs joined a fruitful and intensive workshop 'Enhancing Effectiveness in the English Language

On May 8-10, 2024, the lecturers from English Education and English Liberal Arts Programs joined a fruitful and intensive workshop 'Enhancing Effectiveness in the English Language Classrrom' at Hatyai, Songkhla. This 3-day training has been mainly supported by Regional English Language Office (RELO), Bangkok, Thailand. We all truly appreciate your ongoing assistance and support in the area of learning and teaching English. For our key speakers Ms. Christine Eide and Ms.Nicole Pareene from the English Language Fellow Program, thank you very much for your mentorship, suggestion, and encouragement during the training. Lastly, many thanks to Khun Vic Korajak Na Songkhla from RELO for your coorperation and management. Ready for the new semester!
