
July 17, 2024 (Admin) About Us

The Bachelor of Arts Program in Information Management for Public and Private Sectors, 2024, was created to support the change from the industrial society of the past into the information society era. by the daily life of people in society Transactions through electronic media (E-Business), use of information systems Data communication, computers, information systems (I) which come to facilitate every life. This has never been done before. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the curriculum to be in line with the future direction of the Thai labor market. Global change trends (Megatrends) result in changes in both the economy Society, business, culture, the well-being of people in society which is currently in the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution (The Fourth Industrial Revolution) made technology advance in a revolutionary way. Technology has been put to good use. widely By the National Economic and Social Development Plan No. 13, trends in technological progress Digital plays an important role in determining the direction of the country. Changes both globally and nationally This inevitably affects the labor market. Therefore, there must be a course that can prepare for Developing graduates to have knowledge Have professional competence Be a person of values Have the desired characteristics of graduates Have the ability to use information technology for information management of public and private organizations. Including creating innovations for local community information management. Government and private organizations such as most efficient Through the use of cultural capital in the area as a driving force for economic recovery. A space for people to express themselves in conservation. and continue the culture creatively Aiming at creating a capable workforce High, has a modern government sector effective Answering the needs of citizens both in and outside the area According to the mission of the university Belongs to Group 3, developing local communities or other communities that aim to develop local communities. and a community with purpose or mutual benefit Being a source of learning Transfer knowledge and technology to strengthen communities and provide people with lifelong learning opportunities that will lead to sustainable development.