Malay for Business (B.A.)
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Yala Rajabhat University

Join the group to travel to join the project in Indonesia.

February 10, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. Faculty of Malay Language for Business (B.Ed.) and Malay Language Teaching Program (B.Ed.) Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences along with 20 student representatives and international business students Faculty of Management Science, 2 people joined the trip to join the project Makassar : Academic and Culture Heritage Program 2023, an activity to learn Indonesian language and culture. Between 11 - 21 February 2023 at Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar, Indonesia.

This is a student project funded by the project organizer. to participate in activities without any cost (Invest only travel expenses) with the coordination of the Malay language faculty. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Yala Rajabhat University.

May everyone travel back and forth safely. May everyone maintain good physical health. Participate fully to gain and exchange experiences abroad throughout the event schedule.

the opportunity has arrived You are the representative of the people of YRU
Thank you to all the administrators who encourage students to participate in this event.
Thank you to all the coordinating teachers for bringing this great opportunity. for students to grab
Thank you to all parents That supports your children to participate in projects abroad and entrusts the faculty to take care of your children.
and finally Thank you to all students who are interested. and cooperate in contacting to process various documents as well as joining in planning a trip with the faculty as well
