Thai Language Program (B.Ed.)
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Yala Rajabhat University


The desirable characteristics are as follows;

1. The students will be capable to demonstrate comprehensive understanding of Thai language teaching as well as an application of their knowledge in accordance with social, cultural, and economic context of the country.

2. The  students will be skilled to manage a Thai language classroom and develop a curriculum regarding Thai language pedagogy in order to enhance teachers’ competency, capability, and desirable characteristics of national education.

3. The students will be able to demonstrate the ethics, morality, and code of ethics of teaching profession as well as the responsibilities, patients, open-minded, and professional. They are expected to be expertised in teaching profession effectively and in accordance with the Professional Standard and Ethics.         

4. The students will be qualified to employ pedagogical methodology in Thai language teaching and be able to apply the educational theory and research methodology to a new knowledge of the profession or higher education in the future.

5. The students will be accomplished to advance the professional developmentand career path for the leading of the academic and technology proficiency properly and effectively.