Political Science Program
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Yala Rajabhat University

Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Assistant Professor Ninusra  Mintrasak 
(Head of the Program)

Tell : 0929545435

Email: [email protected]

Site: https://profile.yru.ac.th/ninusra.m


Assistant Professer  Dr.Wanharong Binisris

Committee of board political science department.

Responsible task : Academic administration division

Tell : 0845603828

Email: [email protected]

Site: https://profile.yru.ac.th/wanharong.b


Khomvit     Suksenee .

Committee of board political science department.

Responsible task : Student development division.

Tell : 0863655803

Email: [email protected]

Site: https://profile.yru.ac.th/khomvit.s



Nadia Payo

Committee of board political science department.

Responsible task : Office  division

Tell :  0844078371

Email: [email protected]

Site: https://profile.yru.ac.th/nadia.p


Arif Makae

Committee of board political science department.

Responsible task : Academic service and research.

Tell :  

Email: [email protected]

Site: https://profile.yru.ac.th/arif.m 



Sarinya Jungjing

Committee of board political science department.

Responsible task : Academic service and research.

Tell :  
Email: [email protected]

Site: https://profile.yru.ac.th/sarinya.j





